Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's My Mission?

by Joey Reger

What’s my mission? Well some might think my mission is silly or a waste of time or others might think it’s a great idea. I LOVE what God’s given me the opportunity to do and that’s reach out to all the teenagers in a way that I can relate to them…Skateboarding.

For years I’ve simply let these kids know that I care about them by picking up my skateboard and being a friend. To some this is just a game, a toy, or something to pass the time; but for me, it’s become a ministry. It is a way that God allows doors to be opened into these kids lives.

Skateboarding is really more like a lifestyle for a lot of these kids; and one that’s frowned upon in our city. Sometimes for good reason, as kids will go and destroy city property by scraping boards on tables, sidewalks, etc. Most skateboarders are in it for the lifestyle…it gives them a feeling of belonging, friends, and acceptance. With parties, drugs, and negative influences all around, it’s a tough crowd to reach. I’ve been skateboarding for over 13 years (for most of those years I was not a Christian) and I’ve been through everything they’re experiencing. I know what’s like to get involved with the things of this world and I feel that God has placed me in a unique position and given me the opportunity to reach some of these kids through a common interest and passion for skateboarding.

Like I said, I started by just spending time with these kids; taking them to skate parks and having them over to my house. Because of our common interest, I am someone they can talk to…someone they know is there for them; and that’s my desire.I desire that God would just keep giving me opportunities to speak into their lives.

A year ago I decided to organize what God had placed on my heart and started Push Ministries. A skateboarding ministry for High School and Jr. High kids in San Bernardino. We “Push for Christ”. Philippians 4:13 has always been a verse that stuck in my head and it is at the core of what I share with these kids. “We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength”.

I would like to thank CBC for supporting my ministry and my heart for these kids. We have done three skate park tours (getting 30-40 kids on a bus and touring skate parks throughout Southern California) so far; and each and every time we grow in numbers and in the opportunity we have to show Christ’s love to these kids. God is so good. It’s crazy to think that God could use this “toy” or “game” for His glory…but He is. Relationships are being built with the lost and people are hearing to Good News of Jesus Christ!

What’s my mission? Taking my everyday talents, hobbies, and passions and redeeming them for the good of the Kingdom!

Friday, October 8, 2010


We’ve had “Make Your Own Mission” wristbands made to help each of us remember our daily opportunities to reflect the love of Christ. Sometimes, in the hurriedness of life, we can forget what’s most important. Wear this wristband as a daily reminder to be awakened to the real needs of the actual people that surround your everyday life…

You can pick a wristband up on Sunday morning or stop by the Ministry Office. If you live out of the area we'd be happy to mail one to you. Just email us at ministry.office@cbcsb.com!

The Bigger Picture

In the fall of 2008 CBC launched GO San Bernardino in an effort to see our church family give themselves away to the work and ministry of Jesus Christ. Since that time, God has used us in some incredible, powerful, and tangible ways…all because we answered Christ’s call to GO!

This is an overview of the present state of our city, and our response to the challenges that countless thousands face; who, together with us, call San Bernardino their home.

We do not need to wait around for the government to take action. What we DO need is Jesus making more people Christians in the places of our city that need help - that need God's touch and are desperate for healing.

This fall, we will continue to give ourselves away to the work and ministry of Jesus Christ through the San Bernardino City Mission, the San Bernardino Pregnancy Resource Center, local San Bernardino churches, and to the City of San Bernardino itself... be looking out for YOUR next opportunity to GO!!!