Friday, October 8, 2010

The Bigger Picture

In the fall of 2008 CBC launched GO San Bernardino in an effort to see our church family give themselves away to the work and ministry of Jesus Christ. Since that time, God has used us in some incredible, powerful, and tangible ways…all because we answered Christ’s call to GO!

This is an overview of the present state of our city, and our response to the challenges that countless thousands face; who, together with us, call San Bernardino their home.

We do not need to wait around for the government to take action. What we DO need is Jesus making more people Christians in the places of our city that need help - that need God's touch and are desperate for healing.

This fall, we will continue to give ourselves away to the work and ministry of Jesus Christ through the San Bernardino City Mission, the San Bernardino Pregnancy Resource Center, local San Bernardino churches, and to the City of San Bernardino itself... be looking out for YOUR next opportunity to GO!!!

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