Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Make Your Own Mission

Wherever we are, wherever we go, God has called us to be a reflection of His love, kindness, and grace because what started in Jesus Christ continues in us. We have been given His message of reconciliation and hope. This fall, we move beyond our organized opportunities and programs to be awakened to the real needs of the actual people that surround our everyday life… Whether you’re at work, school, or running errands take notice. God has given each of us unique opportunities to be His hands and feet to a community in need. Take it upon yourself to make sure the single mom across the street has transportation to work; or that the homeless man you drive by each day has a jacket and blanket for the winter time. Be awakened to the needs around you and ACT. Maybe it’s with your Community Group, family, or friends; or perhaps it’s something you take on alone. Whatever the case, wherever you are and wherever you go…Make Your Own Mission!

To tell us your story. Email us at and we'll post it to the blog the following business day.